Peanut Butter Bon Bons


1 ½ cups creamy peanut butter

½ cup of butter, room temperature

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon salt

1 (14oz) can of Magnolia Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

4 cups powder sugar

10 ounces chocolate, melted

Chopped peanuts and kosher salt for sprinkling


Peanut Butter Bon Bons

Rate this recipe.

Prep: 15Min.

Cook: 5Min.

Yield: 30 bon bons

Calories: /serv

1 ½ cups creamy peanut butter

½ cup of butter, room temperature

1 tablespoon vanilla extract

1 teaspoon salt

1 (14oz) can of Magnolia Brand Sweetened Condensed Milk

4 cups powder sugar

10 ounces chocolate, melted

Chopped peanuts and kosher salt for sprinkling